Can You Use Ldn While Still Drinking Reddit

Final Updated on September 20, 2021

When you peruse the alcoholism medication-assisted handling online communities (aye, they exist!), you'll probably come across the term "nalover." It's a mash-upward of " naltrexone "—an anti-craving medication used daily or, per the Sinclair Method , one 60 minutes earlier drinking—and "hangover." Basically, it'southward the hangover some people experience after drinking on naltrexone, and it'south a phenomenon that has all the same to be studied at all in the medical community.

So nosotros decided to investigate. We recently surveyed Reddit and Facebook users who have naltrexone about their nalovers: Do they go them? How often? How bad are they? And what are their symptoms? While our results aren't exactly conclusive—nosotros simply surveyed 58 people in a non-clinical setting, and we don't know if ours was a representative sample because our respondents were bearding—they're a good commencement. Run into below for a round-up of our data.

Nalover Survey Results: How Astringent and How Often?

It's important to notation that more than than a third of our survey respondents had never had a nalover:

How many times have you had a nalover?

The rest of the data you lot'll see is only from the 36 respondents who have had at to the lowest degree one nalover. Their nalovers tended to be moderate-to-astringent—at least slightly more severe than a normal hangover.

How severe is your typical nalover?

How does your nalover compare to a "normal" hangover?

On average, our respondents' nalovers started 12.three hours after taking naltrexone . That timeframe corresponds to a typical hangover, which normally occurs the forenoon later on a dark of drinking.

We asked how long respondents' nalovers tended to last. Answers ranged from 2 hours to 24 hours; the mean response was 8.4 hours .

About 22 percent of respondents said they get a nalover every time they drink later on taking naltrexone, no matter how much or how footling they drink. The aforementioned percentage said that whether they get a nalover depends on how much they drink—the more they drink, the more than likely they are to get a nalover the side by side solar day.

What Are the Symptoms of a Nalover?

We asked survey-takers to charge per unit their nalover symptoms on a scale from "none" to "severe." Hither's how they rated each symptom (over again, we've only included responses from people who said they've had at least one nalover):




Dizzy or faint

Loss of appetite

Stomach ache



Heart racing

Here are all of those symptoms on the aforementioned graph, then you can easily see which were the most common. Kickoff, here are the percentages of people who reported having had whatsoever of the following symptoms:

Any Symptoms

And here are the percentages of people who reported moderate-to-severe symptoms:

Moderate-to-Severe Symptoms

As y'all can meet, fatigue was the most common symptom overall, equally well as the well-nigh common moderate-to-astringent symptom. Thirst, headache, loss of appetite, and nausea were too mutual. Vomiting was past far the to the lowest degree common symptom. A couple respondents reported indisposition or sleep disturbances, while others reported diarrhea, depression, anxiety, and sweaty palms. Now that we have some thought of what a nalover is, we're looking frontwards to farther investigating this little-known miracle.

Do you want to change your relationship with booze? Don't permit the prospect of nalovers deter y'all! We've found that people who accept naltrexone overwhelmingly recommend information technology to others . Plus, there are plenty of other medications out there besides naltrexone that are proven to significantly lower cravings and alcohol intake. In fact, on boilerplate, Ria Health members reduce their drinking by 70 per centum in the first six months . Contact us to become started today!


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