Turbotax Developer Tools Access Needs to Take Control of Another Process for Debugging to Continue

Stop "developer tools access needs to take control of another process for debugging to continue" alert

I recently upgraded to 10.7.3, and when I try to debug my iOS project in the simulator for the first time after logging in, I'm prompted with the following two alerts:

Developer Tools Access needs to take control of another process for debugging to continue. Type your password to allow this.

gdb-i386-apple-darwin needs to take control of another process for debugging to continue. Type your password to allow this.

My user is an admin user. I never saw these alerts before. How do I get them to stop?


I've verified that I'm a member of the _developer group using id -a.

1) Solution

There's a much simpler solution for this. Try running the following command:

              sudo /usr/sbin/DevToolsSecurity --enable                          
2) Solution

enable develoer mode: In Terminal run this: DevToolsSecurity -enable

3) Solution

Per Zev Eisenberg's answer, reinstalling Xcode 4.2.1 worked. However, it might be easier to just patch the /etc/authorization file with the following diff.

                              <key>system.privilege.taskport.debug</key>          <dict>             <key>allow-root</key>             <false/>             <key>class</key> -           <string>user</string> +           <string>rule</string>             <key>comment</key>             <string>For use by Apple.  WARNING: administrators are advised              not to modify this right.</string>             <key>default-button</key>             <dict>             ...             </dict>             <key>default-prompt</key>             <dict>             ...             </dict> -           <key>group</key> -           <string>_developer</string>             <key>shared</key>             <true/> -           <key>timeout</key> -           <integer>36000</integer> +           <key>k-of-n</key> +           <integer>1</integer> +           <key>rule</key> +           <array> +               <string>is-admin</string> +               <string>is-developer</string> +               <string>authenticate-developer</string> +           </array>         </dict>                          
4) Solution

Reinstalling Xcode 4.2.1 after upgrading to 10.7.3 seems to have fixed it for me.

5) Solution

I modified the rule for system.privilege.taskport and the alert doesn't show up anymore.

  1. Open the file /etc/authorization.
  2. Find the rule system.privilege.taskport. Under the line <key>class</key>, change <string>rule</string> to <string>allow</string>
6) Solution

I had same issue with my mac 10.12.5 & Xcode9 Run this command :

              sudo security authorizationdb write system.privilege.taskport allow                          

Then enter your password.. Check if it still prompt you. Good luck..

7) Solution

I just turned debugging off in (edit scheme) -> uncheck debug executable. But I also do all of my debugging on another console, so if you are developing and need the debugger then it wont help. I only have this issue with an old version of Xcode 8.2.1 since I am running the code on an old Mac using El Capitan.

Newer mac and Xcode version 10 doesn't seem to have this issue.

8) Solution

Something has been modified on file /etc/authorization, I've a Lion without v10.7.3 and it has the following code

Lines 5807-5814

                              <key>k-of-n</key>     <integer>1</integer>     <key>rule</key>     <array>         <string>is-admin</string>         <string>is-developer</string>         <string>authenticate-developer</string>     </array>                          

After the update the file contains many modification due to new language supported but the lines corresponding to debugging authorization differ from the lines shown above in

Lines 7675-7676

                              <key>group</key>     <string>_developer</string>                          

I can't apply these differences to my 10.7.3 Lion installation because it's a production machine and I can't risk to corrupt it

I've all necessasy permission as shown from command id -a

              uid=501(dave) gid=20(staff) groups=20(staff), 401(com.apple.access_screensharing), 402(com.apple.sharepoint.group.1), 12(everyone), 33(_appstore), 61(localaccounts), 79(_appserverusr), 80(admin), 81(_appserveradm), 98(_lpadmin), 100(_lpoperator), 204(_developer)                          
9) Solution

no need code. no need reinstall xcode. Do these steps:

1.close xcode.

2.open Keychain access.

3.double click your Keychain(the key icon which create from keychain.p12)

4.go to access control panel(name maybe not right)

5.enable all app access this.


7.run your xcode project.

8.it works well.

Related Topics ios osx-lion ios-simulator
10 years, 8 months ago I believe you need to add yourself to the _developer group like this: stackoverflow.com/questions/1837889/… but if you're already part of the _developer group (as I am) then I'm not sure what's changed. I know the /etc/authorization file has changed in 10.7.3, and a few tests show that I can eliminate some of the prompts by editing that to always allow debug, but with default rules it seems to fail the _developer group test. :( I'm noting what I've found so someone else might dig up more details and make more sense of what broke.
10 years, 8 months ago I had done the same thing as above. The problem now is that I am not able to get internet wifi. I am not sure how this is happening.
10 years, 8 months ago We will have to this once again when either Mac OS 10.8 or iOS 5.1 launch. Word is they are making the Xcode app an actual .app for ease of updating through App Store.
10 years, 8 months ago Xcode 4.3 is already delivered in this manner. I haven't had this password issue since installing it.
10 years, 6 months ago Thank you! This is great. The man page for DevToolsSecurity explains exactly what's going on.
10 years, 6 months ago Posting a diff is a little nicer.
10 years, 3 months ago I've tried DevSecurityTools, adding myself to the _developer group and these modifications. I'm still being prompted to give access. So far, I've not been able to find anything that removes the prompt.
10 years, 3 months ago I've tried all the other suggestions and this is the only one that worked. Thanks.
10 years, 2 months ago This might work but it might also open up a security hole in your sandbox. I am a bit wary.
9 years, 7 months ago Worked for me, but why the heck did Apple add this barrier ? You upgrade from a working version of XCode, and immediately find yourself having to Google their strange error messages, trying to find out how to continue using XCode. Terrible service.
9 years ago lame that this was closed.
8 years, 10 months ago Not sure why this was too localized; it's a duplicate of the question (with answer) found here: stackoverflow.com/a/11416025/2063546
8 years, 10 months ago This was asked first. The other is the duplicate.
8 years, 2 months ago Thanks! But /etc/authorization is deprecated on the mavericks. Do you know what should I use now?
8 years, 1 month ago Changing system.privilege.taskport by executing security authorizationdb write system.privilege.taskport allow made my password prompts to disappear
8 years, 1 month ago Like I commented above, it also works by executing security authorizationdb write system.privilege.taskport allow in the command line.
8 years ago Worked for me like a charm. Thanks a lot!
6 years, 4 months ago Didn't work for me either: Developer mode is already enabled.
5 years, 7 months ago This worked for me with Xcode 8 on an iMac running a TeamCity agent on Mac OS Sierra.
3 years, 1 month ago Just running 'DevToolsSecurity' command enables it by default. Passing -enable argument is not required
3 years, 1 month ago Doesn't work with Eclipse CDT with GDB debugger. Developer mode is already enabled.
3 years, 1 month ago This helped with Eclipse CDT. Thanks.
Mentions Heath Borders kenster omxian Zev Eisenberg Emily Ash Tim Johnsen dafi zszen


Source: https://bitcoden.com/answers/stop-developer-tools-access-needs-to-take-control-of-another-process-for-debugging-to-continue-alert

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